Datalliance talks generational differences in business

The generational differences between aftermarket professionals is the topic of a new blog post published last Wednesday by Datalliance.

Written by Datalliance Director of Sales Edward Kuo, “Not Gen X. Not Gen Y. Generation VMI” addresses how today’s youngest professionals, the ‘Millennial’ generation, have quickly and wholeheartedly committed to the technology in work.

This is particularly true regarding VMI. Says Kuo: “According to Pew Research, Millennials now make up the largest generation in the work force. And while some businesses still shudder at the thought, Millennials have now graduated into decision-making and leadership positions. This changing workforce composition has actually helped me in my role at Datalliance – to help our customers grow their VMI programs. Why? Because Millennials love VMI.”

From there Kuo goes on to address several specific reasons that young people have gravitated to vendor managed inventory, and the benefits it can provide all businesses.

To read the article in its entirety, please CLICK HERE.

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