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Editorial/Denise L. Rondini

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Updated Jan 11, 2012

A Brand New Year

Denise Untitled 1For the most part the truck parts after market did okay in 2011.

It is nice to see people upbeat for a change. Two years of some growth have a way of doing that. It seems like the stars have aligned to make things a bit easier for distributors and repair garages.

A steady recovery in the general economy, an aging truck fleet, the increased cost of new equipment and even some recent legislation have combined in a way that means distributors are selling more parts and repair garages are fixing more trucks.

We all are very pleased about that.

But now is not the time to coast.

I think it is time to move out of survival mode. Don’t get me wrong, you still need to maintain a steady course and keep doing the blocking and tackling that got you through the downturn, but you also need to start looking at ways to grow your business.

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