The American Council of Frame & Alignment Specialists (ACOFAS) announces it will hold a technician training clinic at SAF-Holland from June 27-28, 2017, in Muskegon, Mich.
ACOFAS says the clinic will cover proper maintenance and repair procedures on SAF Holland and Neway products, which include:
- The popular FW35 Holland fifth wheel and the latest lightweight fifth wheel assemblies
- Neway drive axle air suspensions used on heavy trucks and emergency equipment
- The latest SAF-Holland air suspensions used on trailers
- SAF-Holland exclusive air disc brakes
SAF-Holland Vice President of Aftermarket Sales Carl Mesker will host the event for SAF-Holland. The training will be held at SAF-Holland’s facility at 1950 Industrial Blvd., Muskegon. ACOFAS says other presenters will include Tony Ryan, SAF-Holland air disc brakes, Ron Nissen, SAF-Holland fifth wheel, Mike Edlund, new SAF-Holland and older Neway air suspensions, and Marc Johnson, liftable and steerable suspensions.
ACOFAS says it is limited to 20 attendees, and the class will fill up fast. For registration and hotel information please log on to, and for more information contact Gordon Botts at [email protected], or 815-482-4255.