Family and friends gathered for an evening of food, entertainment and a celebration of life, launching personally decorated paper lanterns into the water as a symbol of endless inspiration and undying love, the company says.
“Transervice jumped at the opportunity to help sponsor this first Glimmer of Gold event in Nassau County, Long Island,” says Sean Schnipper, marketing and social media manager.
“The opportunity to help combat cancer, especially targeting children, is something we feel very strongly about and is a fight worth fighting. Teaming up with the iconic American Cancer Society during our 50th anniversary year was perfect timing and we plan to grow our relationship with the organization to help fund research to find a cure,” Schnipper says.
Funds raised from the event will support childhood cancer research, support services and awareness, as well as cancer prevention efforts targeting children.
“Today the overall five-year survival rate for childhood cancer is close to 80 percent,” says Crystal de la Parra, the American Cancer Society’s community development manager. “While that is a huge improvement from decades ago, it still means that 1 in 5 children do not survive. Transervice’s Fighter sponsorship will fund research and awareness programs to change these current outcomes.”