The American Trucking Associations (ATA) and its Technology and Maintenance Council (TMC) and the organizers of HD Aftermarket Week ’09 (HDAW ’09) are working together with the Freeman Companies to reduce the cost for suppliers exhibiting at both events.
Both are to be held in Orlando at the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) during the weeks of February 9 to 12 (TMC) and February 16 to 19 (HDAW) consecutively.
Because both events are held at the OCCC, but in different buildings, The Freeman Companies have made accommodations to move exhibitor materials from the TMC event, store for a brief period and then deliver them to the hall in OCCC for HDAW ’09 at no additional charge. Recognizing that the 2009 schedule presents challenges for their mutual exhibitors, both organizations have worked together with the trade show contractor to reduce costs.
Both TMC and the organizers of HDAW ’09 thank the Freeman Companies for their additional efforts to accommodate both events.