New England Motor Freight to implement OPS-1 system

Oil Purification Systems, developer and manufacturer of the OPS-1 onboard oil refining system, announced that New England Motor Freight and its parent company, the Shevell Group, have signed an agreement to begin implementing the OPS-1 system on NEMF’s fleet of 1,000 vehicles. The implementation is part of NEMF’s ongoing commitment to “green” technologies.

The company expects the OPS-1 system to help reduce its waste oil, and save time and money by extending the time between oil changes. In addition to the NEMF implementation, the Shevell Group also has begun rolling out the system with member company, Eastern Freight Ways, and plans to continue the implementation across its other member companies.

“At New England Motor Freight and the Shevell Group, we are committed to finding technologies that are not only good for our business, but also help us make a positive contribution to the environment,” says Tom Connery, chief operating officer for NEMF. “Our evaluation of the OPS-1 system showed us with clear results that this is a technology that will help us essentially eliminate routine oil changes on our fleet. Not only does this save the company time and money, but perhaps most importantly, it helps us play a key role in reducing the negative impact to the environment.”

The Shevell Group says it selected the OPS-1 system based on an extensive evaluation period during which – instead of changing the oil every 20,000 miles, or about five times a year – the company analyzed an oil sample to determine when an oil change was necessary. During the evaluation period, vehicles with the OPS-1 system ran more than 100,000 miles without an oil change, according to the company; analysis of the oil showed that all evaluation units were running with clean oil even after the 100,000-mile mark. Based on data from the evaluation vehicles, the Shevell Group expects to save more than 57,000 gallons of oil per year, resulting in a cost savings for NEMF’s fleet of more than $500,000 per year. The company also expects to realize its return on investment in only about nine months.

“The Shevell Group and its member company, NEMF, are ideally suited for using the OPS-1 system,” says Mitch Weseley, OPS president and chief executive officer. “With a large fleet of vehicles, obviously oil maintenance costs have been a significant expense to the company. The OPS-1 system will help reduce those costs, while also allowing the company to be a leader in the trucking industry with its environmental initiatives.”

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