Bandag debuts standalone retread line

06.20.Bandag MaxTread lineBridgestone Americas introduces the all-new Bandag MaxTread line, which the company says was designed to deliver reliability comparable to new tires.

The Bandag MaxTread line features quality Bandag retreads as a standalone, single unit tire solution, rather than a traditional tire cap and casing offering. Bridgestone says the line includes trailer, drive and all-position fitments for light truck, waste, long haul, severe service, and pickup and delivery applications.

“The Bandag MaxTread line provides fleets with an efficient and cost-effective way to capitalize on the reliability and profitability of retreads,” says Keith Iwinski, director of marketing, Bandag, U.S. and Canada, Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. “MaxTread is an ideal tire solution for fleets of all sizes, particularly small-to-mid-size fleets that may be in the beginning stages of adopting a retreading program and fleets that need a single replacement tire while on the road. We are excited to offer this dependable new solution.”

The Bandag MaxTread line includes the eight Bandag retread patterns. For the drive position tires available are the BDM, BDLT, BDV, DR5.3 and DR4.3. For the trailer position the TR4.1 and Eclipse. For all positions, the BRM.

Bandag says each MaxTread tire is locally manufactured and verified for service using shearography, an industry-leading technology that scans each casing from bead to bead in under two minutes to ensure maximum quality. All Bandag MaxTread tires are backed by a lifetime limited warranty featuring 100 percent coverage for the life of the tread.

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