The recent effort of two River States Truck and Trailer technicians may have saved a family.
On March 16, River States’ Service Advisor Bob Brieske received a call from a customer in need of an immediate late-night repair. With the facility nearing closing time, Brieske asked second-shift technicians Derrick Armstrong and Trevor Underberg to stay late and complete the repair. They agreed.
What they didn’t know was their customer, Scott Hasik, needed his 2001 Freightliner fixed immediately to get home to his pregnant wife, who was having complications with her pregnancy. Working tirelessly, the duo was able to diagnose and repair the fault code on Hasik’s vehicle in just a few hours, allowing him to get home to his wife and take her to the hospital.
Later that night, Hasik’s daughter was born 10 weeks early. Doctors told him if he had not brought his wife in that night, both she and their child may not have made it.
Before you worry, both mom and baby are fine.
Hasik stopped by River States last week to personally thank the technicians and service advisor who helped him.
“It was a great feeling to be able to help someone and impact them so much that they stopped back to personally thank us. It was really cool,” said Underberg.
River States Truck and Trailer President Joe Laux added, “It is situations like this that make our company stand out. These technicians went above and beyond to help a customer out in dire circumstances. This will stay with them for a long time and they should be very proud of this.”
River States says Underberg, Armstrong, and Brieske have been honored with an “Extra Effort Award” by River States Truck and Trailer for their exemplary customer service.