Phillips wins awards at Penske supplier conference

Members of the Phillips team at the Penske Supplier Conference.

Phillips Industries received two awards at the Penske Supplier Conference, the company announced Thursday: the 2023 Best Performing Supplier-Components award and the 2023 Best Innovation Supplier Award. 

[RELATED: Phillips EC47 connector wins tech award at TMC]

Best Performing Supplier-Components recognizes consistent quality, reliability and exceptional service delivery. The Best Innovation Supplier Award recognized Phillips' forward-thinking approach and its ability to drive advancements in the automotive components sector. 

"Penske has over 2,000 suppliers to choose from, so we are extremely humbled to receive these prestigious awards. We value our long-standing partnership with Penske, and it feels great to see our top-tier service recognized. Two world-class organizations partnering and collaborating — I'm extremely humbled and couldn't be more proud right now," says Andrew Summers, director of fleet sales for Phillips Industries. 

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