Noregon announces update for TripVision

A screenshot from Noregon's TripVision

Noregon announced on Wednesday an update for TripVision that adds support for medium-duty vehicles. TripVision is a remote diagnostic application for fleets to keep them informed on the health, safety and performance of their vehicles. 

"We are always looking for ways to improve how fleets service and maintain their vehicles," says Brian Sexton, Noregon product manager. "Given the diverse makeup of many fleets, we recognized the benefit of enabling our customers to remotely manage their medium-duty vehicles with the same application they trust for their heavy-duty vehicles." 

TripVision will now support Ford, GM, Sprinter, Isuzu and Hino. 

"TripVision users can expect they same features they've grown to love on their heavy-duty vehicles to be available for their medium-duty assets. They will experience the same user-friendly interface, custom alerts, action plans, health and safety scores and plenty of other popular functions," Sexton says. 

Noregon says TripVision is available from leading telematics providers and will be rolled out to organizations individually. 

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