“We are excited that our new IBC6008MSK is a Top 20 Tool for 2019. Our next generation battery charger/analyzer is capable of charging almost all 12V battery types; AGM, WET/Flooded, Gel, Deep-Cycle, Lithium-Ion and Enhanced Flooded (Stop-Start), using an intuitive technician interface,” says Kimberly Cottle, AEC president and CEO.
“Working with both battery manufacturers and vehicle OE’s we developed a tool that fills the requirements for an adjustable amperage and voltage charger meeting the needs for today’s wide range of batteries and battery charging configurations,” Cottle says. “We know different battery types and different vehicles require different charging profiles. Our IBC6008MSK empowers technicians to customize the output for the specific requirements of the battery or the vehicle they are working on, giving them tremendous flexibility.”
In addition to adjustable voltage/amperage charging, the Model IBC6008MSK, has patented diagnostics to detect weak or defective batteries, an adjustable voltage Reflash Power Mode for extended vehicle diagnostics and also performs deep discharge recovery of sulfated batteries including AGM, the company says.
It also features a 75-80 percent Partial Charge Mode for quick testing needs as well as a 12V Power Port Memory Saver for use during battery replacement, including accessory ODBII cable and battery cable covers. The IBC6008MSK comes with a two-year parts and labor warranty and a three-year transformer/rectifier manufacturer’s warranty.