Betts, Cummins, NAPA to address reman industry


The Motor and Equipment Remanufacturers Association (MERA) is holding its virtual Re-Connection 2020 on Oct. 5-6, 2020.

The event includes a town hall session with top executives from Cummins. Following their presentations, smaller groups will be formed for further discussion in the areas of:

  • Marketing & Core
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • ReCon Manufacturing

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The town hall will be led by:

  • Rob Enright, general manager, new and recon parts
  • Patrick Wolf, executive director, marketing
  • Kelly Schmitz, executive director, engineering
  • Nikhil Doiphode, additive manufacturing leader
  • Scott Hoover, quality director, recon manufacturing

In addition MERA customer sessions provide an opportunity for members to interact with key customers, organizers says. The event will allow you to hear from customers on both the automotive and commercial vehicle side of the business. Betts Truck Parts & Service is scheduled for Oct. 5 and the session with NAPA is set for Oct. 6.

Betts’ presentation will discuss its diverse business units, what qualities they look for in a supplier and their views on remanufactured products. NAPA will cover building strong relationships.

To register and view the full agenda, CLICK HERE.

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