Felling Trailers celebrates 50 years with AEM Manufacturing Express appearance

A crowd of people in front of Felling Trailers and the AEM Manufacturing Express bus.
Felling Trailers employees enjoy a visit by the AEM Manufacturing Express to celebrate the company's 50 years in business.
Felling Trailers

Felling Trailers hosted the AEM Manufacturing Express to celebrate 50 years in business. More than 200 of Felling's team members enjoyed games, food and prizes. 

[RELATED: Felling Trailers announces 2024 Trailer for a Cause dates]

"2024 is a milestone year for Felling Trailers," says Brenda Jennissen, president, CEO and co-owner of Felling Trailers. "Fifty years ago, on Nov. 1, 1974, my parents, Merle and Kathy Felling, purchased a small welding shop on Pine Street in downtown Sauk Centre, Sauk Centre Welding. Fast forward a few years, and Merle's trailer designs and quality craftsmanship quickly got noticed. Trailer orders increased, and risk and growth took place." 

Jennissen said the company became Felling Trailers in the 1980s. 

"When we purchased the company from Merle and Kathy nearly a dozen years ago, we knew we had an enormous responsibility to follow in their footsteps, continuing to be good community stewards to our team members, customers and the communities we call home. This tour serves as a uniquely valuable opportunity to reflect on the people who have made that happen and where we want to take things over the next half century." 

The AEM Manufacturing Express tour from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers will cover more than 20 states with 80 stops at equipment manufacturers to showcase technology and innovations that power modern equipment. 

"The Manufacturing Express is more than a bus tour. This event allows us to tell your story and celebrate the amazing products you make right here in Sauk Centre, Minn," Kelly Lang, senior director of sales and engagement at AEM told the crowd at Felling. "Behind every piece of equipment, there is a story. We are excited to tell those stories of the 2.3 million women and men in our industry." 

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