The following employment announcements were made in the trucking industry the week of Jan. 1, 2024:
- The Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance has named J.C. Washbish as president.
- Jim Walenczak named Kenworth general manager and Paccar vice president.
- Scott Steinhardt has been named president at Stertil-Koni USA.
- Jonelle Pollack, co-founder of Promotive, is the new chair of the ASE Education Foundation. Eric Kenar, General Motors' manager of technician environment and service technical college will serve as vice chair. Treasurer will be Dwayne Myers, president and CEO of Dynamic Automotive, and Brian LaCroix, automotive instructor at Capital Region BOCES Career & Technical Education Center will be secretary. Past chair is Trey Michael, senior director of the office of career and technical education at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Returning board members are Drew Jablonowski, content and curriculum manager at Garage Gurus; Justin Morgan, automotive technology chairperson, Sinclair Community College; and Jim Sennett, manager of automotive repair programs for AAA. Starting new terms in 2024 are board members Brent Franks, president, North Texas Automobile Dealers; Dennis Harden, chief of career and technical education for the Iowa Department of Education; Joe Oleson, director of fleet maintenance, support and equipment for FedEx Freight; Jason Ross, curriculum designer, Volkswagen Group of America; and Juwan Willis, program instructor, Oakland Schools NE Tech Campus.