The SKF TFO platform provides OEMs and fleets with flexibility in specifying conventional long-life wheel ends, regardless of the axle and suspension provider, the company says.
PSI says it and SKF have worked together to provide the best warranties available in the trailer market by combining their wheel end and automatic tire inflation products. The SKF TFO platform provides OEMs with the opportunity to source components as they do today, without requiring unique sourcing and assembly processes.
“SKF is a global leader in wheel end technology and we are pleased to work cooperatively with them in developing an option for fleets that demand ATIS and long-life wheel ends with compatible warranties,” says Steve Miller, PSI vice president of engineering.
The SKF TFO platform is available through most trailer OEMs. When the SKF TFO-7 wheel-end configuration is specified for use with the PSI ATIS, PSI will automatically extend its parts coverage to 7 years, the company says.
“Fleets no longer need to feel forced into a particular wheel end solution. And, more importantly, they know that when combining PSI and SKF, they don’t have to play referee when they need to sort out warranty concerns,” says Tom Smego, director of OEM sales.
The PSI automatic tire inflation system comes standard with the patented ThermALERT wheel-end high-temperature warning system. The ThermALERT feature has proven to be a highly reliable and cost-effective way to warn of a pending wheel-end thermal event. Since its introduction in 2006, it has become a standard with many fleets, the company says.
“Wheel end thermal events are a major focus in the industry. Having a burned-up wheel end will not only cost significant money from the repair standpoint, but the potential for extensive collateral damage is high,” Miller says.