Used volumes trend up once more

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Updated Mar 30, 2017

ACT Research reported Tuesday used Class 8 truck same dealer sales volumes improved for a second consecutive month in February. The uptick is featured in ACT’s State of the Industry: U.S. Classes 3-8 Used Trucks. 

“Total volumes were also higher year-over-year compared to February 2016, and year-to-date relative to the same time period last year,” says Steve Tam, ACT’s vice president.

All three market segments (auction, retail, and wholesale) contributed to the growth.

Conversely, ACT says the average price of used Class 8 trucks fell month-over-month in February and year-over-year. Year-to-date, values are down compared to the same period in 2016. 

“We expect pricing to remain at or near current levels throughout 2017,” says Tam.

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