Like most years, next year’s guide will be released in December as a print supplement to our more expansive online guide. Truck Parts & Service has spent this month updating and streamlining both guides to ensure all companies are listed in the correct categories in both locations.
However, unlike past years, where the print guide was simply updated year-over-year with company-submitted changes, this year’s print issue has been completely rebuilt using our online guide as a template. This change is important, as it means content found in previous print issues of our Buyers’ Guide may not be included in this year’s issue.
SUPPLIERS – Please check your listings in our online guide immediately and make sure they are correct.
Truck Parts & Service has extended the deadline for companies to submit or update changes to their Buyers Guide listings to Monday, Nov. 28, 2016. Any changes submitted to the Truck Parts & Service online Buyers’ Guide on or before that date will be reflected in the 2017 print issue.
Truck Parts & Service cannot guarantee changes made after that date will be made to the December print issue. Truck Parts & Service also cannot guarantee companies listed in previous print issues will be remain in next month’s print issue. Checking and/or submitting an online listing by Nov. 28 is the only way to ensure a company is listed in December’s print issue.
Additionally, while the Truck Parts & Service online guide has more than 200 listings, just 100 of those will be featured in the print guide. So companies listed in multiple online categories should anticipate less listings in the Truck Parts & Service print guide.
For more information about both guides, and for login information to update an existing listing within our online guide, please contact me at [email protected]. To submit a new listing for the guide(s), please CLICK HERE.
Thank you!