If your air lines didn’t come with pre-installed or prefabricated handle grips, Phillips Industries says it is wise to invest in a set because they enable better grip and leverage when coupling or uncoupling gladhand connections.
“During the winter they are extremely useful. Air lines are susceptible to damage when gladhands freeze together. If air lines don’t have grips, a driver may place too much force on the air lines themselves when pushing down or pulling up when trying to couple/uncouple the gladhands. This can create kinking, chaffing, rubbing or damage in general to the air lines,” the company states.
Phillips’ Tech Tips explains the types of handle grips, such as aluminum or rubber as well as how to install them. The company also warns against using black or galvanized pipe as fitting attachments or handles because they will corrode and contaminant the air system.
For much more from Phillips about air line handle grips, please CLICK HERE.