Attendees were given a crash course Tuesday on the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) as part of the Service Opportunities Learning Day (SOLD), an event held in conjunction with Heavy Duty Aftermarket Week (HDAW).
“Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Operating System, a powerful, practical and simple system for running your business. EOS is a holistic system supported by a simple, practical set of tools to help you the entrepreneur get more of what you want from your business,” said Ian Tonks, certified EOS implementer, Traction Trainer.
Tonks says EOS is designed to counteract common mistakes made in business. Those mistakes include not having a clear vision or lack of clarity of direction; not having clarity of purpose or staying focused on what you’re best at; not having a defined methodology to hire the right people for the right positions; not crystallizing roles and responsibilities such that people don’t know who to go to in various situations; not supporting employees with the resources, tools, material, equipment, technology and training they need to succeed; not knowing who your customer is; and not charging enough for your product or service.
“EOS is a holistic system simplified into six key components, and to the degree that you can simplify your myriad tasks on a daily basis into these six areas, EOS’s promise is that your business will be more scalable, profitable, efficient and that your personal life will be more focused and fun,” Tonks said. The six key components EOS addresses are vision, data, process, traction, issues and people.
He says when implementing EOS with a company, he works with owners to identify how the six core tenets impact an operation and how those principles can be used to increase success.
By understanding EOS, Tonks says business owners will have learned to simplify, delegate, better predict the future and plan accordingly, systemize the business making it more consistent and will provide a structure with minimal change that owners can grow into and scale.
Tonks admitted to quickly drilling down to the finer points of EOS during his presentation and that attendees were not expected to be able to soak all of it in. But a company can see results just by implementing two or three of the concepts presented.
“If you make a commitment to any of the tools [of the EOS model] or the model holistically, my hope is that you will achieve clarity of direction, expectation and communication across all platforms in your business,” Tonks said. “To the degree you can simplify the myriad complexities into these six components, the promise is that your business will be more profitable, scalable and efficient,” he said.