Funds donated to WAA are used to place live wreaths on veterans’ graves and Summit’s contributions are earmarked for the Springfield Area Motor Carriers Club (SAMCC) overall donation to support providing wreaths at the Springfield National Cemetery in Springfield, Mo.
Employees at Summit locations held a variety of fundraising projects to benefits WAA and customers from a number of locations also donated to this effort. In all, Summit employees and customers contributed $11,727.50, with Summit providing a $11,459.50 match.
“This was the first company-wide fundraiser conducted at all Summit locations,” says Summit CEO Justin Fink.
“Typically, our locations are involved with various charities in their local area, so this was an opportunity for Summit to pull together. If you have a veteran in your own family, work or friendship circle, you recognize that freedom is not free. The life we all enjoy in America would not be possible without the sacrifices of those who serve our country,” Fink says.
Summit Area Sales Director Steve Cook, who lives in the Springfield area, championed this project following his involvement in December 2018, placing wreaths at veterans’ graves at the Springfield cemetery.
“Personally, this is a moving experience. Laying a wreath against the headstone of a 19-year-old man who gave his life for the country we live in today will change you,” Cook says. Cook was most affected by the fact that in 2018, while 6,000 wreaths were laid in Springfield, that cemetery has more 15,000 veteran graves.
Summit says it is pleased to join with our customers, a number of which also support WAA, to pay tribute to our veterans.