The ASE Education Foundation is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Bryl Shoemaker/ASE Education Foundation Instructor of the Year Award.
This award recognizes a high school or college instructor from an ASE accredited automotive, diesel/truck or collision repair program who demonstrates excellence through their personal dedication and commitment to the young men and women who have chosen to pursue a technical career in the automotive service industry.
"There are many individuals within automotive service education whose contributions continue to influence and inspire long after they are gone," says ASE Education Foundation President Mike Coley. "Such an individual was Bryl Shoemaker, Ph.D. Each year, the ASE Education Foundation honors his memory with the presentation of an award in his name. It is an once-in-a-lifetime achievement for those outstanding instructors whose work reflects the same dedication to technical education modeled by Dr. Shoemaker."
Shoemaker was the state director of vocational and adult education at the Ohio Department of Education from 1962-1982. He helped develop a system of career technical education programs in the state and helped form two-year post-high school technician education centers that have grown into a system of community colleges in Ohio.
He was also instrumental in developing VICA, now SkillsUSA, and in NATEF, now the ASE Education Foundation accreditation. This ensures that entry-level automotive repair training programs meet standards set by the automotive service industry at the national level.
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Award candidates must be nominated by an administrator such as a principal, program director, dean, department chair or CTE director. Finalists will be contacted by an ASE Education Foundation field manager to verify information and eligibility. To nominate an outstanding instructor, complete this form by May 22.
Winners of the Bryl Shoemaker/ASE Education Foundation Instructor of the Year will receive a plaque, a $1,000 award, and an expenses-paid trip for two to attend the ASE board of directors fall meeting. The winner will also be celebrated at the annual technician of the year recognition banquet on Nov. 15 in Clearwater, Florida.