The S. 5 Fleet Maintenance Program Study Group outlined its work on process of deciding whether to keep or trade a tractor on Monday at the American Trucking Association's Technology & Maintenance Council meeting in New Orleans.
The S. 5 study group, led by Matt Farcosky, of Fleetpro, develops and disseminates information on modern maintenance and repair shop design and construction; on the development of new tools, shop equipment and methods; on the development and training of competent service personnel. It also develops standard and economical cost control methods by which equipment and maintenance cost data may be effectively compiled and utilized.
The group compiled a lengthy possible RP that includes information on the benefits of new tractors and also created a calculator tool that weights a fleet's priorities and the information on each asset. TMC attendees on Monday were able to see a prototype of the calculator in action.
It's not intended to tell owners whether to keep or trade a truck, Farcosky says, but it is a way to start the conversation about a fleet's assets. Attendees voted to continue the study group's work and commended both the practices document and the calculator.