The new officers are president – Sean Ryan, Point Spring and Driveshaft; vice president – Nick Seidel, Action Truck Parts; treasurer – Ian Johnston, Harman HVS; CVSN executive vice president – Angelo Volpe.
The board of directors are Mark Sumka – Fleet Brake Parts & Service; Michael Callison Jr. – Midwest Wheel Companies; Tom Labat – Vander Haag’s, Inc.; Mark Owen – Haldex; Keith Evans – Meritor; Andy Robblee – Six Robblees’ – Ex- Officio.
Committee chairmen are Dave Willis – Sponsorship; Marc Karon – Right to Repair/Legislative Affairs; Adam Clark – DTE.
CVSN adds it continues to grow its membership and has multiple exciting initiatives on tap for 2020. With affiliate GenNext, CVSN will continue to strengthen the heavy-duty independent aftermarket distributor community by training, mentoring, recruiting and educating its members. One initiative recently launched is the CVSN/GenNext HD job board. CVSN says all companies can now post jobs on this site and look for candidates to fill vacancies at their businesses.
This valuable service is free of charge. To access the job board, please CLICK HERE. Log in with username hdjobboard and password CVSN1234.
GenNext and CVSN also will be hosting its Distributor Training Expo in 2020, but the event has been moved to an August date. This very popular event will now be held Aug. 21-23, 2020, at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta. Registration is now open for distributors and suppliers.
Finally, another change coming to CVSN in 2020 is the adjustment of the Aftermarket Distribution Summit from September to June 13-17. This year’s event will be held at the Boston Renaissance Waterfront from June 13-17. This event attracts all the owners, top management and CEO’s of both our distributor and supplier member companies along with the spouses.